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Know the health benefits of mint leaves

The Dhaka Times Desk Mint leaves have a special role in health protection. This is unknown to many. Today we will discuss the benefits of mint leaves.

Mint leaves-১

Mint leaves are well known as aromatic plants. And so mint leaves are used in various cooking items including borhani. Mint leaves have been used as a popular medicine since ancient times. Mint leaves used to play an important role in curing diseases.

Mint leaves-২

Mint leaves are a type of herbaceous plant. Mint trees are grown in many countries of the world including Bangladesh.

What diseases are mint leaves used for:

Mint leaves to prevent asthma

Mint leaves contain a substance called rosmarinic acid. This acid prevents the formation of pro-inflammatory substances. As a result, asthma does not occur. This medicine also inhibits the production of prostacyclin. Due to which the regime is clean.

Mint leaves for stomach pain

Mint leaves are very effective against chronic indigestion. Peppermint also regulates colon muscle contraction.

Anti-cancer mint leaves

Mint leaves contain a type of compound called monoterpenes. It prevents cancer in breast, liver and pancreas. Experts say that regular consumption of mint leaves can prevent lung, colon and skin cancer.

Mint leaves-১

Mint leaves have many other benefits. Which will be discussed later.

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