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Hacker scared child by hacking IP camera

The Dhaka Times Desk In fact, hackers can easily do whatever they want. But there are many hackers among them who harm the lives of others for their own fun. Recently, there was an incident in the city of Ohio in the United States that caused a baby to cry.


Hackers do temporary harm to some for their own amusement. According to reports, a family in Ohio was sleeping in their home at night. Suddenly they hear a man's voice in their child's room at night. The family, concerned about their baby's safety, connected a wireless IP camera in the baby's room to their own handset. The hacker hacked the wireless IP camera and was making noise in the child's room.


The child's mother woke up to find her handset buzzing and the camera rolling by itself. Moreover, the hacker was trying to wake up the child by making loud noises. When the child's parents came into the child's room, the hacker started shouting and screaming even louder. As a result, the child's parents disconnect the wireless camera from their handset.

The temporary incident may not cause too much trouble, but there are warnings that nothing is private for hackers in this age of technological advancement. Therefore, the safety aspect should also be considered in all these matters.

Reference: TechJournal

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