The Dhaka Times
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How many people keep track of the disabled?

The Dhaka Times Desk Ignoring the disabled has become a norm in our society. We often see the neglect of these disabled people. Often seen, naked body. Feet tied with rope. Spend the day on the streets. And the hut at night. When he sees someone, he looks at him with a smile. In that smile, the pressure of unlimited suffering is born.

প্রতিবন্ধীদের খবর রাখে ক’জন? 1

One such disabled Mithan. Helpless mother runs a family of four on food earned in exchange for work in other people's houses. It depicts the miserable life of 10-year-old Mithan, mentally challenged from birth in Sylhet's Biswanath Upazila. Despite taking multifaceted programs for the welfare of the disabled, the fate of Mithans does not change. No one cares about them. Disability allowance is far away, they don't even get food. Mithan is the son of Amiruddin, a day laborer from Baisghar village of Dasghar union. After Amiruddin left them, Mithan's mother Zulekha Bibi took shelter in a one-door hut in Jilu Mia's house in the same village with her three children. Elder son Mithan, who is disabled, is in trouble. He can do nothing with his own hands. Mithan's family went door to door to Union Parishad, Upazila Social Service Office and public representatives for disability allowance but did not get any benefit. Mithan's mother Zulekha Bibi said - no one comes forward to help us. Survival has become difficult now. Every day Mithan has to go to work tied up for fear of drowning in the pond and being run over by the car. Local UP Chairman (Acting) Chatir Mia said, efforts are being made to ensure that he gets disability allowance. Upazila Social Service Officer Abdul Montakim said that action will be taken in this regard when the allocation comes.

Everyone's speech is like avoiding responsibility. No one wants to take responsibility for these children. But in our society, they wander around the streets and corners like helpless to gather food. If we, the rich people of the society, had a little perspective, then they might not have to live like this inhuman life.

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