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Know the pros and cons before hair rebonding

The Dhaka Times Desk When you're looking to completely transform yourself by changing your curly hair style, think again about the chemicals used to do it. Because these chemicals can have a negative effect on your scalp.


Rebonding is the process of changing curly hair into straight and flexible hair. This rebonding involves the use of a chemical that loosens the hair's natural bonds. As a result, curly hair can be turned into straight hair very easily. Rod anchor is a Creative Director of Munsun Salon. They often offer discounts on hair rebonding. Anker said about this rebonding, 'Usually rebonding is done to straighten curly hair, but there are many people who do rebonding for neatness or flexibility. For this, the natural bond of the hair is first broken, then a type of neutralizer is used to create the hair rebonding structure. Then the hair is styled according to the customer's needs.'


Suzanna Shah, is one of the leaders in Lakme salons. He said the process of rebonding is absolutely hassle free. Its demand increases especially during summer as the heat of the sun and the humidity of the air make curly hair more messy. The heat of the sun during this time can break your hair. Moreover, the dust in the air can reach the skin of your hair and cause serious damage to the hair. Rebonding becomes very difficult in this state of hair. So if you are interested in rebonding, you should cover your head from the outside environment.

The chemicals used for rebonding penetrate the hair into the skin and then loosen the hair's natural bonds. Therefore, hair affected by dust can reach the skin and damage the hair by these chemicals.

Reference: Times of India

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