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Important websites have serious security flaws!

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft and many other online communication platforms have suffered serious security flaws. This new security flaw puts a user's personal account at serious risk of being accessed by an outsider.


Fox News According to the citation, this security flaw is exposed through the Convert Redirect process where two systems of open source authorization protocols OAuth 2.0 And In Open ID The error occurred. Both of these processes allow users to access their personal accounts and thereby ensure the security of users' personal accounts.


As a result of this flaw, hackers can easily impersonate users' accounts and spread their own fakes for their own purposes. According to the report, the biggest problem will be faced by these convert redirects. As a result, hackers or anonymous accounts can easily enter different people's accounts and take necessary information. Also, cybercrime can be committed by logging into various confidential accounts. Or by entering the accounts of various government, military or business organizations and leaving malware, hackers can steal various confidential information.

Reference: Times of India

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