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Apple may launch iPhone 6 in August this year

The Dhaka Times Desk Much of the anticipation and excitement built around Apple's iPhone 6 is coming to an end soon. Because Apple has announced that they are bringing the iPhone 6 to the market in a few days. Before this, the latest version of Apple iPhone iPhone 5S was released in the market in 2013.


Tech experts are speculating that Apple may release this new version of their iPhone in August this year. In any case, almost all technology news organizations are looking forward to this new version of Apple. They are spreading speculative news about the design, technology or architecture of the new version. Here are two approximate designs based on the most popular ones. In one design, the display of Apple's new iPhone 6 is 4.7 inches and the other uses a 5.5 inch display screen.


According to Apple's Taiwan-based supply company, it is known that Apple wants to release this new product in the market very soon. Although it was heard from last year that Apple is bringing their new iPhone 6 to the market. But until now it remained in the dark. Then in the middle of these rumors, Apple brought iOS 7 operating system. But this new source from Taiwan says that Apple may soon release the iPhone 6 in August this year. This Taiwan-based source also says that Apple will likely release a handset with a 5.5-inch display for its new iPhone in August. But earlier it was heard that the 5.5-inch screen handset might be delayed for Apple iPhone 6.

But a news of Apple's famous blog site ninetwofivemac has cleared the haze of iPhone 6 and shows hope that iPhone 6 will be available in three colors. The three colors are grey, golden and silver. This variation in color can be better understood in the case of the back body of the iPhone. It goes without saying that this new product from Apple is bringing a new kind of surprise regardless of the color of the iPhone 6. Moreover, it remains to be seen which version of the security system Apple is bringing in the case of iPhone 6.

Reference: The Tech Journal

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