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China will be directly connected to the United States with high-speed trains!

The Dhaka Times Desk Traveling from China to the United States without flying may sound ridiculous to many. But Beijing believes it can make the trip possible in the future.


of China of The Beijing Times According to the report, China is undertaking a master plan in which it envisages a special type of ultra-high-speed train and train line that will connect China to the 48 states of the United States. According to the report, China is currently considering this route to connect its northern provinces with the United States. Citing The Beijing Times, it is also said that this route will go through Russia's Siberia through the Bering Strait to Alaska and then enter the United States through Canada. As a result, this train line route of China's master plan will connect four countries simultaneously. An underground tunnel will be laid here to cross the Pacific Bering Strait.


The most important part of this route is the Bering Strait connecting Siberia and Alaska. The planned train line would require an underground tunnel to cross the Bering Strait. The most dangerous part of this construction is also the construction of the tunnel. This tunnel will be about 200 kilometers or 125 miles long. Its length has challenged engineers as it is almost 4 times longer than the English Channel. The English Channel is a tunnel connecting the United Kingdom and France. Which is an underground tunnel of the English Channel in the Mediterranean Sea. But this Chinese newspaper claims that China is able to build this tunnel using their highest technology. They are also claiming that the construction of this tunnel has already started. According to the Guardian newspaper of the United Kingdom, the total length of this train route will be about 13,000 kilometers or 8,100 miles. Which is double of Transsiberian Railway. Experts say that if the speed of the train is 220 km per hour, it will take at least two days to cross this railway line. According to The Guardian, the plan is currently being documented as a China-Russia-Canada-US rail line.


According to the Chinese Academy of Engineering sources, it is also known that Russia has been thinking about such a grand plan for many years. A major portion of this entire plan will be funded by the Chinese government. But experts are skeptical about the implementation of this plan because neither Russia nor the US has yet made any statement on the plan, despite the fact that a large part of the plan has already begun as claimed by China. China's rail plan is not limited to the United States. China is planning three more longest lines. These include China to UK, China to Middle East and China to Singapore. If this master plan of China is implemented, it can be said that the continental communication system will be more extensive.

Note that the Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest railway system till date. which extends from Moscow to Siberia in Russia. This railway connected the eastern part of Russia with the western part.

Reference: RT

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