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Eating 4 vegetables is absolutely necessary to avoid diseases

The Dhaka Times Desk Sickness will be a normal thing. But many of us do not know how to get rid of this disease. Today will be informed about 4 vegetables to get rid of diseases. Hope many will benefit from it.

Disease &  4 vegetables

Many of us have colds and coughs. Moreover, sometimes various diseases occur. Because our immune system is weakened, this problem is more common. If the immune system is weak, it is normal to face many physical problems. To get rid of these problems we have to eat vegetables regularly. Especially those vegetables that increase the immunity of our body and keep the body healthy and strong. Let's know about the immunity power of 4 vegetables.

1. tomato

Tomatoes are rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants. Which is especially helpful in boosting the immune system. Even this antioxidant called lycopene helps prevent cancer. That's why you must include tomatoes in your daily diet. But tomatoes are better eaten in salad rather than cooked. Because it will be more beneficial.

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2. Spinach

Spinach is rich in vitamin A. Spinach also contains antioxidants that boost immunity. Regular consumption of spinach helps in curing colds, coughs and skin problems. If you eat spinach regularly, the disease will go away from you.

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3. garlic

We have already said that garlic is a very useful vegetable. Garlic increases the immunity of the body and prevents the decay of the body. Garlic is also very useful as an antiseptic. Garlic protects the heart and reduces the risk of stroke. So eat more garlic.

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4. onion

We have onions with our meals every day. But I eat it by cooking onions. Because raw onion is more beneficial than cooked onion. Make a habit of eating raw onions regularly along with cooked onions. Because onions are rich in quercetin. This powerful ingredient regulates blood pressure and reduces the risk of cancer. Eating onion regularly also eliminates allergy related problems.

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Image: Courtesy of

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