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Broccoli is a herbal remedy for gastric ulcer

When winter comes, many kinds of vegetables are available in the market. And all these winter vegetables are very beneficial for our human body

The Dhaka Times Desk When winter comes, many kinds of vegetables are available in the market. And all these vegetables are very beneficial for our human body. Experts say that the main remedy for gastric ulcer is vegetable broth. Broccoli is a winter vegetable. This vegetable has many health benefits. It also contains high levels of various nutrients, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron and potassium. Broccoli is relatively high in protein compared to other vegetables. So it is a very beneficial vegetable for everyone.

গ্যাস্ট্রিক আলসারের মহৌষধ সবজি ব্রোকটি 1

When winter comes, many kinds of vegetables are available in the market. And all these winter vegetables are very beneficial for our human body. Experts say that the main remedy for gastric ulcer is vegetable broth. Broccoli is a winter vegetable. This vegetable has many health benefits. It also contains high levels of various nutrients, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron and potassium. Broccoli is relatively high in protein compared to other vegetables. So it is a very beneficial vegetable for everyone.

Contains nutrients

Raw broccoli is 90% water. It can be said that the amount of carbohydrates is 7 percent, protein is 3 percent and there is no fat. It is also very low in calories. There are 31 calories in 91 grams of Broccoli.

Health Benefits of Broccoli

# Broccoli's beta-carotene and selenium combined with vitamin C help fight prostate, colon, lung, liver, breast and pancreatic cancer.

# Broccoli is rich in vitamin A. It prevents bacterial infection on the skin. Broccoli also plays an effective role in preventing colds.

# Broccoli is low in fat and calories but high in fiber. Broccoli relieves sluggishness during diet due to its high iron content.

# Broccoli contains twice the vitamin C of lemons and 7 times that of potatoes. Vitamin C is very beneficial for skin health. Prevents constipation due to its dietary fiber content.

# This broccoli is very effective in preventing gastric ulcers and gastritis. Experts say that it contains much more vitamin U (a derivative of methionine) than cabbage. It contains an ingredient called sulforaphane which prevents gastric ulcers and cancer, according to experts.

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