The Dhaka Times
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Is the sound quality of Bluetooth speakers better than ordinary speakers?

The Dhaka Times Desk It's amazing how we hear a real sound through a speaker. With the benefit of technology, Bluetooth speakers, Bluetooth headphones are now available in the market. So there has been a change in listening.


Today we will try to highlight whether the sound quality of bluetooth speakers is better or worse than normal speakers or whether bluetooth sound is positive or negative for us. The main problem with Bluetooth speakers is that they compress the sound too much. As a result, users don't hear many of the background sounds of a song. Likewise, if you are a Bluetooth headphone user, it will not provide you with the same sound quality as normal headphones. Also, a Bluetooth device only has a wireless frequency of 2.4 GHz. As a result, it can be said that Bluetooth devices cannot provide you with the same sound quality as normal audio speakers or headphones.


But the interesting thing is that Bluetooth is improving day by day. Bluetooth devices range from 1.1 to 4.0 devices available today. As a result, its sound content or sound quality has changed a lot. If you want to buy a Bluetooth device, there are several things to look out for. This includes whether the speaker supports the device, whether it can transfer CD quality audio. If that's not possible, check out Advanced Audio Distribution. Ease of portability is one of the reasons why Bluetooth devices have become so popular. Common devices come with wires, making them not easily portable. But beyond that, Bluetooth devices are still not at par with normal audio devices in terms of sound quality. However, with the continuous improvement of Bluetooth technology, we may soon get better Bluetooth audio sound quality.

If you're concerned about sound quality, Bluetooth may not be a viable solution for you. You should look into using common audio devices. However, since Bluetooth devices compress sound, it has less impact on your brain than normal audio devices.


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