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How to remove black spots on the skin

The Dhaka Times Desk You may have black burn marks on your skin. If these dark burn marks are not removed, they can cause permanent problems for your skin. This report is about how to get rid of these black burn marks on the skin.

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No matter how hot it is, you must go outside for daily necessities. And as the sun is shining outside now, your skin may get black burns due to the heat. Both men and women can have this problem. However, women are more prone to this problem as their skin is very soft and tender. But that might not matter if you take care of it properly. But how to clean this black spot? Today that will be discussed.

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Lemon juice and cucumber are very useful to get rid of these skin spots. Keep turmeric powder with it, then you will get rid of this black spot very easily. Now let's know how to do this maintenance.

With the help of cucumber, the black burn of the skin is removed, as well as a lot of freshness comes to the face. Again, the citric acid in lemon works to reduce melanin. These two items can be used to make a useful face mask for summer. Which will help to remove the burn marks on your skin.

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To make this face mask you will need:

  • # lemon juice-4 tsp
  • # cucumber juice-4 tbsp
  • # turmeric powder-3 tsp
  • # Glycerin-3 tsp
  • How to use it:

    Mix all the ingredients together and apply as a pack all over the face. It should also be applied to the area under the eyes. A cotton ball made into a small ball and applied with the help of that ball will give good results. Keep it for 15/20 minutes and wash your face thoroughly with normal or cold water. If used like this once a day for a couple of weeks then it will work very well especially on oily skin. In this way, you can get rid of the dark spots that appear on the skin in the sun this summer.

    Photo: Courtesy of

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