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Learn about some of your feelings that will relieve you of depression!

The Dhaka Times Desk Psychologists say there are certain emotions such as happiness, gratitude, and expression of meaningless emotions that not only create emotional feelings within oneself but are also good for one's body. It becomes an inspiration in one's life.


There are many aspects of life that will make your life more beautiful. Strengthens your inner feelings and inspires you to move forward in life.

1. Ask yourself, what moves your mind?

Something like that motivates you more. Think about what feelings drive you to do more good. The answer to this one question will create a different feeling inside you and motivate you more. As the driving force of life will take you forward on the path of life.

2. Be open-minded and excited to discover new things

Combine your inner willpower and generosity. Encourage yourself more. Instill in yourself some qualities like curiosity, humor and tolerance. Psychologists say that self-inflicted vulnerability, uncertainty, risk and excessive expression of emotions will only harm oneself.

3. Don't lose your zest for life


Maybe now you've reached a point where your family and your career depend on you. You don't want to waste time on sports or childhood hobbies. But psychologists say, never lose the spirit or enthusiasm of this sport. Spontaneously do the stimulating things you did in childhood. It will rather speed up your work.

4. be yourself

Oscar Wilde made a great statement about this. Be aware of your capabilities, maintain clarity within yourself, these are the most important tools in life. Try to be yourself, follow the work of others and not imitate. So Socrates said, first of all know yourself.

5. Do something that inspires you every day

Inspirational work can be contained within itself. For example, if you are addicted to music, you can listen more to the kind of songs that inspire you in life. If you are addicted to books, try to read more books that you find a different motivation in yourself while reading.

Truthfully, life is too short. Even in this short life many obstacles, setbacks and sorrows come our way. The strength to overcome them is the inspiration of life. Nelson Mandela said, success is how many times you fail and get back up.

Reference: Mindbodydegree

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