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How you can reduce your monthly expenses

The Dhaka Times Desk Income is not increasing at the rate at which the prices of daily necessities are increasing. It's a snail's pace in the race to raise salaries, whatever the government or the private sector may say. The condition of the middle class and the lower class is quite deplorable in this cycle of income and expenditure. Be it married life or bachelor life, our life is very hectic.


You can't avoid daily necessities, you can't avoid improving the quality of life over time. With all these you have to avoid this predicament. If you can't withdraw monthly expenses and deposit a portion of it in the bank, then what will happen to your children's future or what will you do in times of danger? In this case, you have to save some money from the monthly expenses. But let's know how to reduce monthly expenses.

1. Try walking to your workplace. But if it is too far then walking is not possible, try to do something else. Can use bus or other public transport. But these days the state of public bus will make you go to work here. Bicycles are very popular these days. They look as fashionable as they are affordable. You can use a bicycle to go to work.


2. Try eating at home. Think about the cost of eating out for two if both husband and wife are working. You can reduce it by eating at home. But if the office is far away, you can take food from home by hotpot. This will save the cost of outside food.

3. If you are in the habit of eating coffee outside, you can make it at home instead of eating outside. The current minimum price of a cup of tea is Rs.8. Drinking a cup of tea every day will cost 240 taka per month, but if you only drink tea and have a light breakfast with tea, the cost will increase even more. So try to eat tea coffee at home instead of outside.

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4. Make a list of what to buy before going to the market or shopping. Because most people go to the market or shopping and lose track of what is necessary and what is not. So it can be seen that unnecessary goods come to the place of need. Which further increases the cost.

5. One thing to keep in mind to reduce monthly expenses is if you owe money to someone or have taken a loan from a bank, settle it as soon as possible. Because it will become a burden on your monthly expenses. Moreover, the amount of interest or profit will also increase.

6. Try to avoid expensive brands as much as possible. When it comes to clothing, try to buy cheap rather than expensive brands. But try to buy different brands when they go on sale one time of the year. This is a very popular method in the United States.

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7. Avoid buying unnecessary products. Many times we buy products that are used in the past. For example, if you have a computer or laptop in your home, you don't need another Sony Walkman. You can listen to music on laptop or PC.

8. Be a bit more conscious when chatting with friends. Try to match the cost of chat. This will not cost more than one person. And avoid those friends who are okay with hanging out but frugal with spending.

9. If you are in the habit of smoking, try to give it up. Quitting smoking is difficult but not impossible. Quitting smoking will save you a lot of money. Another thing always be careful not to buy anything after hearing unreasonable claims from kids.


10. Find alternatives in different fields. If you have TV, turn off the paper. Instead of ironing outside, try doing it yourself at home. Don't spend a lot of money on a shave at the store and do it yourself at home. You will see a lot of money being saved.

This is a simple method to reduce some of the expenses from the daily monthly expenses. Apart from this, you can reduce your daily monthly expenses to a great extent by using some other alternative methods. Hope these methods will help you reduce your monthly expenses a lot.

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