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The German actress got a different feeling wearing hijab on her head!

The Dhaka Times Desk In the Muslim religion, women have the practice of hijab. But many Muslim women don't wear hijab either. However, the German actress wearing a hijab on her head has a different feeling!

German actress & head covering

According to media reports, a German non-Muslim actress wore a hijab while playing the role of a Muslim woman in a movie. But she is getting a different feeling after wearing hijab.

About acting with hijab, the actress said, 'When I used hijab for the first time, a different feeling worked inside me. Not only that, I felt quite relieved. I did not feel any inertia.'

The name of this 25-year-old non-Muslim actress from Germany is Chelik. Not only acting, he also works as an assistant director. So far Çelik has acted in 4 movies and several TV dramas.

Çelik also said about the hijab, 'When I saw my face in the mirror wearing the scarf, a different feeling worked inside me. I am quite surprised myself after seeing myself.'

Chelik played the role of 'Soda', a young Muslim high school student in the film. The girl was born in a secular family.

Regarding the character of the actress, Chelik said, the girl is shown as a responsible Muslim. Actually I had to play the role of an intelligent girl. One who faithfully observes and believes in maintaining harmony.

A scoundrel young man met Chelik in that movie. Whose job is to destroy the peace of the society in exchange for money. However, he once abandoned that path due to Chelik's motivation. Basically in this movie various problems of a Muslim girl have been highlighted.

Note that Germany is the second largest Muslim country in Europe after France. Many things of the culture and culture of that place come up in the film.

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