The Dhaka Times
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Resulting chemicals: fear of serious health risks

The Dhaka Times Desk The use of chemicals for ripening of fruits has raised fears of serious health risks. Currently, this fear has become more pronounced due to the import of many seasonal fruits including mango, litchi.


Currently, seasonal fruits including mango and litchi have started coming in the market. And a class of unscrupulous traders try to make these fruits ripe and attractive with chemicals. But people are suffering from various serious diseases by eating these chemical fruits. These chemicals should be prevented now. Otherwise it will have a huge impact.

It is known that there is still some time left for seasonal fruits to come to the market. But a class of producers and traders have started applying various types of chemicals to get the fruits to the consumers faster in the hope of higher profits. Attempts are being made to grow, ripen and make seasonal fruits including litchi more attractive by applying these chemicals. If these cannot be strictly prevented, the related experts have expressed fear that various complex diseases may occur in the human body including child death due to poisoning.

Scenes of giving chemicals to different fruits

Experts say that to catch the ripe color in raw litchi, two types of insecticides named camomethrin and tido are mixed with water and a type of hormone called magnol is sprinkled. After re-coloring, the lychee is re-sprinkled with tido and magnolia to make it grow faster. After spraying these pesticides and hormones, the litchi acquires a red color and grows rapidly. Even if kept for several days after planting from this litchi plant, insects do not get near the plant or even rot. After 4/5 days of giving these chemicals, the sellers bring those litchis to the market for sale.

Eating fruits mixed with these chemicals causes extensive damage to the kidneys and liver of people. Experts have expressed fear that even long reaction can cause cancer in the human body. Experts have warned that if these chemical applications are not stopped in time, they will cause great damage to the human body.

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