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Coming to Facebook 'I am voter' button!

The Dhaka Times Desk At polling stations in the United States, voters are given a small sticker after they have cast their ballot. It means he is a voter who has voted. Facebook has introduced the 'I Am Voter' button to publish this information digitally online.


The system was introduced during the 2010 US midterm presidential elections. About 9 million people in the United States used it during this time. This button has been brought back by Facebook in this Indian election and has been used in India. 4 million Indian citizens used this button in this year's Indian elections. In view of this popularity, Facebook is thinking of using this button globally. That is, citizens will exercise their right to vote by using this button in different countries of the world. Meanwhile, Facebook has allowed them to use this button in elections in Colombia, the European Parliament, South Korea, Scotland, Sweden, New Zealand, Brazil and Indonesia.

It can be assumed that this is gaining and gaining popularity as one of the ways for citizens to exercise their right to vote. A survey by the famous Guardian newspaper shows that this button on Facebook increases the political involvement of people or users. The 2010 US midterm elections saw more than 34,000 more voters exercise their franchise than ever before. James Fowler, a political expert. He said that Facebook motivates the youth in political work.

Facebook believes the right to vote is an important political right of people. The introduction of this button will further motivate its users to vote. Because Facebook thinks that no one should waste this right to vote.

Reference: Mashable

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