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To prevent leakage of questions, there will be separate questions on each board and two tests will be taken a day!

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, question papers were leaked across the country including SSC, HSC. In the future, the committee formed to investigate the HSC question leak is going to recommend separate questions for each board and two tests per day for each student in different public exams in Bangladesh.


After more than a month of investigation by the investigation committee formed in the case of question paper leak in the country, the head of the committee and the additional secretary (administration and finance) of the Ministry of Education. Sohrab Hossain He told reporters this information. However, the committee could not identify who was involved in the question paper leak.

Basically, the day after the complaint of HSC English second paper question leak was raised, the Ministry of Education formed a seven-member investigation committee headed by Sohrab Hossain and asked them to submit a report within 15 days. Later this committee extended the time to one month.

The committee was asked by the Ministry of Education to investigate the entire issue of question leak allegations and determine what to do in this regard and to make specific recommendations to ensure the security of all public examination questions under the purview of the Ministry of Education.

Meanwhile, after finalizing the investigation report, the head of the committee and Additional Secretary (Administration and Finance) of the Ministry of Education Sohrab said, "There is no need to take public exams for so long. We recommend taking the tests in the morning and afternoon. However, in this case, the examination schedule will be announced in advance."

According to the recommendation, in the public examination including HSC, two tests are held every morning and afternoon for the students of different sections, but the students of each section have to participate in one written test a day.

It should be noted that in this year's HSC exam schedule, 3 April to 5 June i.e., 64 days have been kept for the examination of theoretical subjects. And the last SSC theory exam was completed in 40 days. The investigation committee thinks that taking the exam for such a long time is one of the reasons behind the leakage of the question paper.

Apart from this, the committee has recommended that instead of taking the same question paper in the whole country, the examination should be conducted on different question papers in different boards. In this way, even if question papers are leaked in any board, there will be no complications in the whole country. It is also recommended to make the envelopes or paper packets used to store the questions more secure and protected. Apart from that, it has been asked to increase transparency and security in all areas starting from the press.

It should be noted that at present, the exam is conducted on the same question paper across the country in the creative question system. And for those subjects which are not being tested on creative questions, the questions have been formulated on board basis. Whereas earlier four sets of questions were asked for the public examination, now there are four sets but two sets are printed, the remaining two sets are kept in reserve.

The report also said that BTRC and law enforcement agencies have been asked to identify those who have uploaded the question papers on Facebook.

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