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The girl child with abnormal tongue growth disease!

The Dhaka Times Desk Olivia Gillies is a British baby girl who has been diagnosed with a complex disease from her mother's womb. Olivia's tongue is growing abnormally. olivia Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome Affected by the complex disease of the name. In Britain alone, one in every 15,000 children may develop the disease.


When Olivia was in the womb, her parents could only tell if there was a problem with their unborn child's tongue through an ultrasound. Just then, the doctor checked and confirmed that Olivia's mother, Emma, and father, Lan, told their child. Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome The name has complex diseases.

At that time, nothing could be done in Olivia's mother's womb. However, after Olivia was finally born, she underwent many more tests. The doctor says it will take some time to operate on Olivia's tongue. Meanwhile, Olivia's parents returned home. Olivia's other three siblings, however, were very happy to have Olivia.


Olivia's mother, Emma, said: “My whole family was happy for my daughter. But because of Olivia's huge tongue, she couldn't drink her mother's milk. We used to feed him through a separate tube for a long time. In the meantime, we started to see the research of different experts from different countries online on the subject of overgrowth disorder. But we were not getting any hope as expected.”

But later, under the supervision of a specialist doctor, Olivia's tongue was operated on in Britain. After the 3-stage operation, Olivia is now very healthy. Olivia's tongue now looks like a normal human. Olivia is now 4 years old and has already learned to speak. His parents are very interested in enrolling him in school.

Olivia is not just a child; In our world or in Bangladesh, many such children are born with various diseases. But how many of them are receiving such medical care? Such rare diseases are not treated in poor countries like Bangladesh.

Source: The Daily Mail

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