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What you can do to keep yourself focused on studies

The Dhaka Times Desk After sitting down to read, I don't want to read anymore. You don't understand where the random mind is getting lost. Almost all students have this problem. Don't give up because of this problem because you have to pass. But let's see how you can concentrate on reading?


1. Keep the target

Your goal must be fixed. But in this case, think about immediate goals instead of looking at immediate future goals. For example, how many subjects you have to do well this time or how many marks you want to get in some subjects. By doing this you will get a passion for reading in yourself.

2. Be aware of time

Be careful with time. Share how much time you want for a subject. Everyone knows that time does not sit still for anyone. So choose the time for that subject. Try to finish it in that time. This will keep your mind from wandering.

3. Suppress stomach hunger

If the stomach is hungry, the mind does not sit down to study, so prevent the stomach hunger. But don't eat full, it will cause laziness in the body. Which will further damage your reading speed.

4. Take some sleep

There is a word in English called catnap. It means sleep like a cat. Cats take a light nap every once in a while called a catnap. Neuroscientists say catnap is good for human brain function. You can take a short nap if your mind gets confused while reading.

5. Do meditation

Meditation is one of the best ways to maintain focus. This topic has a lot of popularity all over the world. You can also try it to consolidate your attention. Meditation improves brain function.

You can also eat sweet foods. It increases brain function. Try these strategies in your studies and you will get good results.

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