The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Saltine Biscuits

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's recipe for The Dhaka Times readers includes a biscuit item - Salty Biscuits. So let's see how to make these salty biscuits.



  • # flour 6 cups
  • # Dalda and a half cup
  • # sugar half cup
  • # water 1 cup
  • # Cardamom Roasted Powder 7/8
  • # baking powder one and a half teaspoons
  • # kaljeera half tsp
  • # salt 5 tsp
  • prepared method

    First, whisk the dalda and sugar together. When the dalda becomes light, add cardamom powder along with black cumin seeds.

    Now mix with baking powder. Knead with half the flour first and then keep kneading with some flour. When the dough becomes stiff, knead it well with your palms. But be careful not to add all the flour if the dough seems too hard.

    Now sprinkle a little flour on the dough 1 or 2 cm. Mr. Knead the dough. Now scrape the edges with a fork.

    Now cut lengthwise with a knife. Mr. Keep cutting away. Later on the other side 5 and a half. Mr. Cut into squares (if you want you can use market bought forms to make salty biscuits. Or you can also cut with circular tin pattern). Now arrange the biscuits slightly apart on the baking tray. Now heat the oven to 200 degrees Cel: (400 degrees F). Bake in the oven for 20/25 minutes.

    Salty biscuits are done. Now take it out of the oven and serve it on the table.

    Photo: Courtesy of

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