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Some rare childhood photos of soccer star Messi

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone has seen football stars running around with the ball on the field. But have you ever wanted to see what your favorite player looked like as a child? Today we are going to see some rare pictures of Lionel Messi, one of the best players in football today.


If your favorite football star is Messi then in this report you will see some cute childhood photos of your favorite star.


Photo of Messi with his childhood football club teammates (within the white circle). Besides, the second picture is a picture of Messi when he was 9 years old.


The first picture is a picture of Messi's father and mother with Messi. Besides, the second picture is of little Messi sitting with a football.


Do you recognize the child in the picture? This is a picture of Messi when he was only 1 year old.


Little Messi (within the red circle) holding the award with his childhood youth club teammates.

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Little Messi, now a big star.


Messi's single era.


Messi with cousin.


The moment to take the first jersey for Argentina.

Dear reader, how did you see the rare pictures of the beloved player Messi? Don't forget to leave a comment.

Source: Fullonpics , Fanpop

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