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If you keep your mobile phone in your pocket, it is harmful to men

The Dhaka Times Desk Men who habitually keep their mobile phones in their pants pockets may have negative effects on their fertility. Researchers from the University of Exeter in the UK found this information in a recent study.


To get a clear picture of the harm caused by mobile phone use, a team of researchers led by Biosciences researcher Fiona Matthews of the University of Exeter conducted a detailed review of 10 studies and observed 1,492 samples.

The research article was published in 'Environmental International' in periodicals. Researcher Mathews said about the research, a lot of mobile phones are being used all over the world. Its potential roles in open use in the environment need to be clarified. The high waves that are commonly used in mobile phones are harmful to the human body and sensitive organs.

Mathews admits that research they have done has shown that radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted from mobile phones has a negative effect on sperm quality. As a result, the future generation may be born with various physical defects starting from being disabled. This is really worrying.


Earlier, Nandita Palshetkar, a researcher on obstetrics and midwifery based in Mumbai, India, said that high frequency electromagnetic radiation is emitted from the phone. There is a risk of damage to the male reproductive system. Such harmful waves affect the sperm and can reduce sperm density.

In a recent study on sperm damage caused by mobile phone waves, researchers in the United States also admitted to receiving such information. Analysts say, we are talking about nuclear radiation, but with the level of mobile use we have now reached, we have to be careful about the physical damage caused by mobile frequencies.

Source: Description

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