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The aspects that boys notice in girls at first sight

The Dhaka Times Desk A word called love at first sight is very common in Bengali literature. Young women these days fall in love on sight before they even know about themselves or the person they are going to love. Let's see how many things impress a man with a woman at first sight.


1. how is the smile

All the beauty of a woman is hidden in her smile, through smile a woman can make a man win at first sight. So a man notices a woman's smile at first sight. You can spend your whole life with the charm of smile.

2. clothing

At first sight, most men look at women's clothing. A beautiful dress enhances the beauty of a woman. Moreover, through clothes, one can get an idea about the taste of women. The interesting thing is that while most men notice provocative clothes, they prefer a tasteful modestly dressed girl in love.


3. speaking style

It was seen that the smile is beautiful, the dress is beautiful but the manner of speaking or the pronunciation of the language is not beautiful, but such women are avoided by men. There is a charm in women's speech that attracts men. There is another thing in this case, whether the woman talks too much or if she is small-minded.

4. hair type

Another beauty symbol of a woman is her hair. It is hard to find a man who is not attracted to the charm of women's hair. So at first sight most men look at women's hair. Women with shiny hair can easily win the hearts of men.

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