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See how the World Cup frenzy has touched the world in this picture

The Dhaka Times Desk The whole world is now crazy about the World Cup frenzy. In such a situation, all these joys around the world have touched the photographers. The Telegraph's photographer has put together pictures of the World Cup and other events taken at various locations. Our today's event is about those pictures - most of the pictures show various moments of the World Cup.


Playing football in space

The World Cup craze has gone beyond the earth to space, this film shows us that. US astronauts Steve Swanson, Reid Wiseman and German astronaut Alexander Grast attempt to kick a floating ball aboard the International Space Station. Astronauts of the International Space Station or ISI will now be able to watch the game from the space station.


A taste of the stadium

There is a saying in Bengali saying 'Milk taste is met with ghol'. This film is one such incident. People seen here are sitting on sofas enjoying the opening game of the World Cup. A stadium in Berlin, Germany is hosting a big screen game, inviting local residents to bring their couches to watch the game in the comfort of their own home. Responding to that call, many people in Berlin, Germany came to the stadium to watch the game from their sofas.


Movement of superheroes

While the World Cup frenzy is going on in the stadiums in Brazil, there is a movement in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The protestors claim that it is not right for the government to organize this magnificent game when the country is facing food, clothing and shelter crisis. The movement is led by Batman, Vendetta and many other superheroes who are agitating for justice on the silver screen. The agitators have come to the movement dressed as superheroes.


Mysterious Buddha

This time a different picture, a mysterious Buddha has been seen in this picture. In this picture, a Buddha figure emerges from the foggy conditions of Yihan Mountain in Jilin Province, China. A photographer captured this picture while taking pictures of various spots in China during a night trip.


White people's dinner

The famous white dinner ceremony in Paris, last Thursday night, men and women dressed in white, sitting at white tablecloth tables, organized this meal. The location of the food is kept secret. Later, pictures of this food arrangement were published on various social media. However, no details are known about why this food arrangement and the reason for this excess of white color.


World Cup and reality

This picture will make you rethink the World Cup in Brazil. Brazil's current economic situation is quite fragile. In such a situation, many citizens of that country think that this huge event will make their economic situation more fragile. This picture is proof of that. Spectators who come to watch the game throw their rubbish into a dustbin where a teenage girl is staying for lack of accommodation.


Brazil and Argentina

Brazil and Argentina have been at odds since before the World Cup. No one is willing to admit defeat to anyone. This World Cup added more ghee to that conflict. The war between Brazil and Argentina has been going on since the beginning of this World Cup. Following this, a group of Brazil and Argentina fans are playing football among themselves in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. But the result of this game is not known.

Reference: telegraph

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