Many of us do not know why fasting Makrooh, fasting Qaza and Kaffara are both obligatory. So we all need to know these reasons so that we can refrain from these actions. Let's know those reasons and observe fast properly.
01. Cooing with gargara.
02. Using oil on the body.
03. Horned.
04. kissing wife
05. Eye makeup.
06. lying
07. Talking obscenities.
08. abuse someone
09. Describing the faults of others.
10. To taste something with the mouth.
11. Repeated cooling with hot feeling.
12. Keep the spit in the mouth and then swallow.
01. If something is forcefully fed to a fasting person.
02. If you forget to eat something, after remembering, you think that the fast has been broken and eat again.
03. If you eat any non-food item. For example, pieces of iron.
04. If water enters the stomach while doing the kuli.
05. If any medicine or something else enters the urinary tract.
06. If you eat and drink early in the morning thinking that the night is left.
07. If you eat and drink during the day thinking that the sun has set.
08. If you vomit involuntarily.
09. If you vomit in your mouth, swallow it.
10. Eat the food particles from the gap of the teeth.
11. If you eat it after rain water falls on your mouth.
12. After applying the medicine to the wound of the body, it reaches inside.
13. If liquid medicine enters the nose or ears.
14. Ejaculation due to kissing or touching the wife.
01. If the wife intentionally has sexual intercourse while fasting.
02. If you eat and drink intentionally while fasting.
03. Intentionally having sexual intercourse while fasting.
04. Intentionally taking medicine while fasting.
There are some rules for giving expiation, namely:
1. A total of sixty fasts should be observed.
2. If unable to keep sixty fasts in one go, sixty poor people should be fed two meals.
Special Thanks- Ahkaamu Rwamadwaanal Mubaarak
This post was last modified on জুন ৮, ২০১৭ 2:42 pm
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