The Dhaka Times
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A young man in Indonesia has made friends with a tiger!

The Dhaka Times Desk Man befriends man - this is a fact forever. But lately people's interest and friendship towards animals is increasing. Many people keep different species of animals as pets. One such shocking news is that it is friendship with a tiger. Yes, a young man from Indonesia has made it possible.

বাঘের সঙ্গে বন্ধুত্ব করেছে ইন্দোনেশিয়ার এক যুবক! 1

The young man named Abdullah Sohail (31) is in the habit of friendship, killing and even quarreling with two friends of opposite characteristics. According to Daily Mail, Sohail regularly eats, sleeps and fights with his tiger. He has been raising the tiger since he was three months old. Now he is 4 years old. Although he has been friends with Sohail, a resident of the Malang region of Indonesia, the tiger is not originally his. The responsibility of taming the other owner's tiger has fallen on him. He is doing very well. When Sohail plays with the tiger in the garden outside the house, the tiger hugs, caresses and kisses him. The tiger has not yet learned to appreciate its strength and nature.

How permanent this friendship will be in the future cannot be emphasized now. But such casual friendship with a ferocious beast is rare.

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