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Some issues related to mosques that every Muslim should know

The Dhaka Times Desk Now is the month of fasting. The benefits of worship in this month are more than other months of the year. During this period of fasting, the fasting people perform the Taraweeh prayer along with the regular prayer. Khatme Taraweeh or Surah Taraweeh Salat is held at this time in different mosques of Bangladesh. Today we will highlight the different aspects of offering prayers in the mosque for the readers of The Dhaka Times.


Hadith about the virtues of offering prayers in the mosque:

(1) Rasulullah (SAW) said, the most beloved place to Allah is the mosque and the worst place is the market.
(2) Whoever visits the Masjid in the morning and in the evening (with five daily prayers), Allah will prepare hospitality in Paradise for him.
(3) He said, the person who comes from farthest to the mosque gets the most good deeds and the person who comes first and waits is the most rewarded. Then he prayed with the imam. [48] He said, 'The first row is like the row of angels. If you knew how great its merits are, you would be too busy to come here.
(4) Among the seven categories of people who will be sheltered under the shadow of Allah's Throne on the Day of Resurrection, one category is those whose hearts are attached to the mosque. Whenever it exits, it returns again.

Information about mosque construction


(1) The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah builds for him a house in Paradise." But if that mosque is built with the intention of creating division among the believers, then it will be considered as a ``Zerar'' (ضِرَار) i.e. a harmful mosque and the builders of that mosque will be guilty.
(2) Graveyards should be kept away from mosques. If absolutely necessary, a wall should be provided in the middle. Masjid must always be noise free and quiet environment.
(3) The mosque will be unadorned and modest. No adornment and grandeur shall be lavished upon, nor any boasting of the mosque. Islamic architectural style must be carefully followed in the construction of mosques. Under no circumstances should a non-Muslim's house of worship be imitated.
(4) Posters with portraits or pictures of full-bodied or half-bodied animals with heads shall not be posted anywhere inside or outside the mosque. Because Rasulullah (s.a.w.s.) said, "The angel of God's mercy does not enter a house where a picture (of an animal) is hung."
(5) The mosque must have a regular call to prayer and worship. Mosques should have ablution facilities (separate for men and women) and toilets. The mosque and its grounds must always be kept clean and a smooth and beautiful environment for worship must be maintained.
(6) Scholars and guests coming to the mosque should be shown full respect and entertained to the utmost. Because they are guests of God's house.
(7) Arrangements may be made for female Mushallis to pray with the men's Jama'at separately within the curtain behind the men's queue. During the time of the Prophet (PBUH), women regularly joined men in Juma'a and Jama'a. But for this, the environment will be safe and the permission of the guardian will be required and he will have to come unscented.

Some etiquette rules after entering the mosque

(a) Entering the mosque and offering two rak'at 'Tahiyatul Masjid' Nafal Salat to Allah. Don't sit straight.
(b) Do not speak loudly or make noise in the mosque (except for the sermon).
(c) No lost notice shall be circulated therein.
(d) No place shall be reserved for anyone (except the Imam) within the ranks of the mosque. Therefore no Jainamaz can be laid separately for any Mushalli.
(e) All mosques except Masjid al-Nabawi and Masjid al-Aqsa have equal status. Therefore, one cannot go to a big mosque thinking that it will be more good.

Here are some information about our mosque today which will be very useful in our daily life. It is important for every Muslim to know these facts.

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