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7 reasons to eat more papaya

The Dhaka Times Desk Papaya has been appreciated since a long time, especially for enhancing beauty and brightening the skin. Not just skin care. You will be surprised to know how many more qualities papaya has. Let's find out why papaya is a healthy food.

113- Papaya Tree

1) Brightens the skin:

As mentioned earlier, papaya is no match for skin care. Only papaya contains a substance called papain which helps to remove dead skin cells and generate new cells. Besides, it is very beneficial for the skin due to the presence of vitamins 'C' and 'E'. So you can eat papaya daily to keep your skin glowing.

2) Useful for eyes:

Due to the presence of vitamin A, E, beta carotene, papaya is very nutritious for the eyes. According to a recent study, papaya contains more than three components that play an effective role in preventing eye disease called ARMD.

3) To prevent cancer:

Papaya contains vitamin B-17, along with vitamins A, C, E. which fights against cancer cells. It also contains many other ingredients that boost immunity.


4) Beneficial in reducing nausea

Nausea is a physical symptom characterized by pain in the upper part of the stomach and a kind of discomfort accompanied by nausea. Recently, it has been found that papaya plays a very effective role in this problem. Because papaya contains some enzymes that keep the stomach acid balance at the right level.


5) Helps to lose weight:

Papaya helps in weight loss by participating in the metabolism process of the body. Various enzymes present in it help in reducing excess body fat.

6) Keeps lungs healthy:

Papaya is rich in beta-cryptoxanthin. A medium-sized papaya contains 2,313 mcg of beta-cryptoxanthin. It helps in preventing various lung problems as well as lung cancer.

7) To prevent cold fever and flu:

Many people think that among fruits, oranges have a lot of vitamin C. But this idea is not correct. Not only oranges but papayas also contain a lot of vitamin C which works well against colds and flu.

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