The Dhaka Times
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It is not right to store food in the refrigerator!

The Dhaka Times Desk Refrigerator or fridge is a necessary device in our daily life for storing food. But there are some foods that should be kept out of the fridge. Because storing these foods can do you more harm than good. Today we will present to the readers of The Dhaka Times why it is better to keep these foods away from the refrigerator?


1. Refrigerating eggs is prohibited in the UK. Because if the egg is kept in the refrigerator, the cold temperature of the refrigerator increases the amount of water inside the egg. As a result, sometimes the outer shell of the egg breaks and bacteria grows inside. Again, in the United States, eggs are stored in refrigerators. However, it is stored in refrigerators in packaged form in various super shops after washing the outer coating in a special process. As a result, it is a rule to store it in the refrigerator after bringing it home from the shop. But in our country, eggs are stored at normal temperature in stores, so it is better to store them at normal temperature at home.

2. Fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs bought from the market—such as lettuce, mint, or cilantro—should never be refrigerated. It can dry the fresh vegetables. Accumulation of water in the refrigerator can cause harmful bacteria to grow on vegetables. Nutrition experts say that today's vegetables bought from the market should be cooked today, so that you will get all the nutrients. And if you have to store it and eat it, store it at room temperature for at least one day. Many people in our country buy vegetables and fruits from the market and store them directly in the refrigerator. This is not at all correct as these vegetables in the market may contain a lot of viruses or bacteria and they become more effective at refrigerator temperature.

3. Refrigerated meat and fish should not be re-refrigerated once taken out. This causes bacteria to grow in these foods which are very harmful to the body. After bringing fish or meat from the market, wash it well and store it. Most of the fish in our country are given formalin. In this case it should be washed and stored better. Because if it is not washed well, formalin or other chemical elements will enter the fish and meat during storage in the refrigerator. This can cause damage to your and your family's health.

5. Many people store chopped onions, garlic or chilies in the refrigerator. It is not true that the smell of onions can make the refrigerator smell bad. If the pepper is kept in the refrigerator while it is cut, the vitamin C of the pepper is lost. Also, foods made with eggs such as mayonnaise, egg custard, etc. should not be stored in the refrigerator. Refrigeration causes water to form in mayonnaise, custard and similar foods, which spoils the taste of the food.

Then the question may come whether to store in the refrigerator or freezer. Cooked food is best stored in the refrigerator. But it is not more than three to four days. And food once taken out of the fridge should never be put back in the fridge again. Also, you can store chopped onion or garlic but must store it in a box.

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