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Dhoni and Ronnie of the United States are recognized as the world's oldest conjoined twins [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Donnie and Ronnie Galan of Ohio, USA, are going to set a record for living as twins. They have been living together in an inseparable body for almost 63 years.


According to ABC News, Donnie and Ronnie Galan of Ohio, USA, are going to be recognized as the world's oldest conjoined twins. Recently a new record has been set by these brothers from Beaver Creek, Ohio. According to the news, the twin brothers have reached the second oldest living record of the famous Ying and Chang banker brothers of the 19th century at 62 years, 8 months and 7 days. Official recognition will be announced later this year.

According to ABC News, Jim Galleon, the twins' voting brother, told the Dayton Daily News that he planned a party celebration for the occasion.

Jim said the two are marking the calendar every day. After setting a new record on Saturday, they are now just counting down the days until October, which will be the biggest achievement of Dhoni and Ronnie's life as twins.

When they turn 63 next October, the American brothers will hold the record for the longest surviving Italian twins. It is known that the Guinness Book of World Records authorities have made extensive preparations to recognize this.

It is to be noted that, to see if the twin brothers who have survived this long can fulfill their dream goal, we have to wait till October. References: ABC News  Video Dayton Daily News

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