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Recipe: Yoghurt Sorbet

Holy Ramadan has started from today. We will try to provide some items for Iftar during fasting

The Dhaka Times Desk It is not bad if curd is added to Iftar after fasting all day. You can also start the Iftari phase with the whole family sipping yogurt sorbet.


At the end of the day, daily Iftar instead of oily food, more nutritious drinks help to keep our body healthy. Here is a recipe for making such a drink for you today. Make curd sorbet very easily.



6 glasses of water
Sweet curd-4 cups
A little pepper powder
Bit of salt and salt to taste
Ice and sugar optional


Mix the yogurt with water, and blend all the ingredients to make the syrup. Now serve curd sherbet in a clear glass with crushed ice.

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