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Know some foods that help you grow taller

The Dhaka Times Desk No matter what we do to grow taller. Try to get taller by hanging on the ring with various exercises. But there are some foods that will help you grow taller easily.

the foods

Anyone can't be long for any reason. There is an age limit for that. This growth of human body takes place till a certain age. Then the height started to increase. How tall the body will be is largely genetic. But in some cases it depends on eating and drinking. Many times the body cannot grow or grow tall due to lack of adequate nutrition. There are also some foods that accelerate the growth process of the body. Let's know about some such amazing food.


Apples contain fiber and water. This fiber and water help children grow taller. And so let children eat an apple half an hour before meals every day. This will help your baby grow 2 fibers tall.

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the egg

We all know that eggs are a healthy food. These eggs are rich in protein and vitamins. Due to which the body grows and helps to grow taller.

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Dark chocolate

We don't want children to eat chocolate. We think eating chocolate can cause various harms. But this dark chocolate helps kids grow taller. The calories in it increase the cells, due to which children grow taller.

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Nuts or cashew nuts are eaten by us as a hobby or to pass the time when we go somewhere. But this almond is a very useful food for health. The various proteins and vitamins present in these nuts provide various nutrients to the body. Moreover, it also helps to grow taller.

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Soup we feed only to sick people. But this soup is a healthy food. It contains a lot of calories which increase appetite. As a result, excessive food intake makes the cells grow and lengthen. So feed this soup to your growing kids regularly.

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Chickpeas, lentils, beans

Chickpeas, lentils, beans are rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamin B and iron. Which helps in body cell intelligence. It also helps to grow taller. So keep more chickpeas, lentils, beans in the food list. Try to eat these foods regularly every day.
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