The Dhaka Times
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Benefits of Dates for Pregnant Mothers

The Dhaka Times Desk Pregnant mothers have to be very conscious about their food intake, so their diet needs to be special. It is very important to have dates in the diet of expectant mothers. Dates are a food that has incredible functionality.

pregnant mothers & persimmon

# Dates contain sufficient amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals which are very helpful in normal growth of fetus.

# dates are very helpful in digestion. That is why it is extremely safe for vulnerable pregnant women. Even in diabetic mothers.

# Dates contain polyphenolic antioxidants that prevent various infectious diseases. It also acts as a natural antacid. It also has the ability to prevent bleeding easily, which keeps the expectant mother safe.

# Dates are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B12, carotene or antioxidants that act as antibodies against various types of cancer in the body of pregnant women, such as colon cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer.

# Dates are rich in iron which helps in maintaining proper hemoglobin levels. It contains calcium and magnesium which help in the formation of bones and muscles of the baby.

# Dates are very effective in relieving various symptoms of mothers during pregnancy such as constipation, roughness and dehydration.

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Dates help pregnant mothers to shorten labor pains

This view of research was revealed in a report in the journal "Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology" in 2011. According to the report, if 9-month pregnant mothers eat 6 dates per day, they have less labor pain than mothers who do not eat dates. Their findings apply to 70% pregnant women.

So expectant mothers eat dates every day. Especially 9 months pregnant mothers eat at least 6 dates a day. This will protect you and your unborn child.

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