The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Shrimp Onion

The Dhaka Times Desk Who does not like onions? And if that onion is a delicious shrimp onion then we will take the word. Let's learn how to make delicious Shrimp Piyaju.



- Prawns (with tails)
- Lentils 1 cup
-Half a cup of peas
- Half a cup of chopped onion
- 4 large green chillies
-Ginger paste 1 tablespoon
- Garlic paste 1 teaspoon
- A pinch of baking soda
- Salt to taste
-Oil for frying


Knead everything together except the oil. After a while, take out the tail of the shrimp and add dal batter to the rest of the fish, fry it in oil and serve it hot.

Bidra- Prawns should be mixed with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and salt and mixed with pulses.

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