The Dhaka Times
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Know some other uses of vinegar

The Dhaka Times Desk We see the use of vinegar in various recipes. The interesting thing is that apart from cooking, vinegar has various uses. Today we are going to highlight the various uses of vinegar for the readers of The Dhaka Times which we hope will be very useful for you.


1. Many times we put tapes or stickers on walls, fridges or wooden furniture. After removing the sticker or tape, the adhesive part can be seen on the wall or furniture or on the fridge. Vinegar can be used to remove it. Rub a cloth with vinegar and remove all these glues.

2. If your kitchen wastebasket is smelly, soak a piece of bread in some vinegar and leave it in the wastebasket overnight. You will see that the next day there is no smell.

3. After using the kitchen, bathroom or basin tap for a long time, dirt accumulates on the tap head which cannot be easily removed. To remove this dirt, you can mix some dish washing powder with some vinegar and rub it and you will see that it looks very shiny.

4. If you don't want your pet cat or dog to poop on the couch or bed, make a spray by mixing vinegar and water. Then spread this spray on sofa and bed. Dogs and cats cannot tolerate the smell of vinegar.

5. You can use vinegar to remove oil streaks or haze on your everyday glasses or sunglasses. Gently rub vinegar on a tissue paper to remove the stain.

6. In case of careless food burns in the cooking pot, heat the burnt spot with water and equal amount of vinegar for 10 minutes. Then wash off. You will see your cookware become sparkling like new.

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