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Match-fixing was not the reason behind Argentina's defeat in World Cup final [Tweet Mystery Revealed]

The Dhaka Times Desk Allegations of match-fixing were made in the World Cup, even in the final match of Argentina and Germany! But can anyone show such courage from the tip of FIFA's nose? At least one Twitter account claimed so.

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No international investigative agency has reported World Cup match-fixing, according to a common Twitter account. This news has not been published in any reliable media. The information came via a Twitter account. The Twitter account called FIFA Corruption claims that FIFA itself is directly involved in final fixing. They have also kept the name of the Twitter account very carefully.

On July 12, at 10:18 PM Bangladesh time, the FIFA corruption account tweeted, 'FIFA is corrupt, proof is being provided.' Then at 10:19 PM, it was tweeted, 'Tomorrow Germany will win 1-0.' At 10:24 PM it was announced, 'Germany will win in extra time'. Then at 10:25 minutes it was tweeted that 'Gotze will score for Germany'. The last tweet from that account was at 10:28 pm. It said, 'The winning goal will be scored in the second half of extra time.'

As per the tweets given by this suspicious Twitter account, the results of the game and goals were seen, so the question is, was it true? Did FIFA fix the result in advance?

Within 24 hours, this tweet has caused a stir across the world. How to match tweets in such letters! Everyone is busy. At the end of the game, the Twitter account had just over 1,000 followers. Now it has reached close to 50 thousand. Before this, there have been allegations of match-fixing many times in football leagues of different countries recognized by FIFA. In some cases it has been proven.

However, FIFA does not take such incidents into account, they dismiss it as mere coincidence. The spokesperson of the organization claims that this is just an expression of someone's emotions. Earlier there was such a news about a match. The allegation was later proven false by a FIFA investigation.


Finally, the mystery of this mysterious Twitter account has been revealed. The tweets from the Twitter account called FIFA Corruption were made in such a way that all the players in the final had the goal scores and all kinds of advanced predictions. However, at the end of the match, the rest of the tweets are deleted, keeping the result of the match, the time of the goal score and who scored the goal.

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