Categories: international news

Stephen Hawking's conference in Israel: Israel is in great crisis!

The Dhaka Times Desk Stephen Hawking, the world's best scientist, has rejected an invitation to attend a conference at Jerusalem University in Israel. And following Hawking, many scientists began boycotting the site, the Guardian reported.

Stephen Hawking, the world's best scientist, has rejected an invitation to attend a conference at Jerusalem University in Israel because of Israel's aggressive and coercive policy towards Palestinians. Because, along the path of Stephen Hawking, many other scientists refused to join this conference. Even musicians, painters and writers who walked in Hawking's path did not attend the conference.

Israel is afraid that Stephen Hawking's refusal may be widely followed by European and American scientists. And if so, it will be a terrible thought for Israel. Israel's economy and military power are largely based on science. And almost all of Israel's science and research is involved with various organizations in Europe and America. In this case, if scientists start boycotting Israel, it will destroy their military and scientific sectors.

Stephen Hawking's refusal caused quite a stir. Within hours of the report being published in the Guardian on Sunday, it had been shared more than 100,000 times on Facebook. Hawking explicitly rejected the conference because of Israel's aggressive policy towards Palestine. His refusal caused quite a stir.

Meanwhile, Israel is a member of the European Research Area (ERA) even though it is located in the Middle East. Members of the European Union (EU) Parliament have been opposing Israel's membership. Because, Israel is showing a thumbs up to the human rights policy of the United Nations and the European Union.

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