The Dhaka Times Desk The Qatari authorities claim that the 2022 World Cup will be the most spectacular and the most expensive in history. The violence in Qatar's stadiums might suggest so. According to FIFA rules, the World Cup will have a minimum of eight and a maximum of 12 stadiums. Let's take a look at some of the Qatar World Cup stadiums.
Heat will be the biggest problem at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. UEFA president Michel Platini has proposed holding the World Cup in December or January. As an alternative, air conditioning has been asked for in the stadium. But according to the rules of the World Cup, it can be held in the middle of the year. June-July temperatures in Qatar reach over 40 degrees Celsius. Therefore, Nasser Al-Khater, Director of Public Relations and Publicity of the Qatar World Cup Organizing Committee, has already visited Berlin and talked to several German companies with the aim of developing solar-powered air-conditioning systems. All in all, technology will be a sight to behold at the World Cup in Qatar. Qatar has also announced that the 2022 World Cup will be carbon-neutral. The prototype stadium shown to FIFA was also solar powered. But Qatar wants to see more capable, more efficient technology developed before World Cup stadiums are built. The plan is to either build a central 'solar farm' to supply the energy from, or install separate units at each of the 12 new stadiums to be built.
Doha Port Stadium is among the surprising stadiums in Qatar in 2022. It is one of ten new stadiums.
Qatar's traditional black-and-white tents are being built at Al Bayat Stadium.
Qatar University Stadium as pictured.
Al Shamal Stadium is next to the beach.
The spectacular Al Khor Stadium.
40 thousand spectators Al Rayan Stadium.
Am Salar Stadium.
This post was last modified on জুলাই ১৭, ২০১৪ 11:56 am
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