The Dhaka Times
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90 cattle rescued from a house!

The Dhaka Times Desk 90 poisonous snakes were recovered from a house in Mirpur, Kushtia. The snakes were rescued before they could injure anyone.


A few days ago, a chicken was bitten by a snake in the house of Ruhul Amin Mandal of Sultanpur Mohalla of Mirpur Municipality, causing panic in the house. The fear increases when the chicken dies instantly. Later, when the owner of the house sought the help of local Ojha Dadrul Mallick, Ojha quickly resolved the issue.

Ojha Dadrul Mallick, a snake catcher with his long experience, confirmed the location of the snake within a short period of time and found that around 90 snakes were staying there at the same time. Dadrul Mallik immediately rescued the snakes.

Later, when there was a commotion among the locals, everyone started flocking to the house of Ruhul Amin Mandal to see the snake. At one point Ojha Dadrul Mallik took the snakes with him.

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