The Dhaka Times
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Even if the password is hacked, your Facebook will not be hacked

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook is now a very sensitive topic for many people. If your Facebook account rich with various personal matters is hacked, tell me what could be a bigger danger to you? Yes, today we will know how you can protect your Facebook ID even if your password is hacked.


  • Even if everyone knows your Facebook password, no one can access your account. Sounds incredible? No it's real, but first thing you need to do is login to Facebook on the top right side Home Click on the arrow next to it Account SettingsClick on or directly Go to address.
  • Now here from the left side SecurityClick on . Now Login Approvalsfrom the right side of editClick on then Require me to enter a security code Tick this box.
  • When a new message arrives while ticking Set Up NowClick on
  • now Phone number Enter your mobile number in the box Continue Click on
  • A code number will be sent to your mobile. Enter the code number in the code box Submit Code By clicking the button CloseClick on
  • Login Notificationsfrom the right side of editBy clicking on Email And Text messages By ticking the box too SaveYou can click on It will send your code to email.
  • Now logout Facebook account and login to Facebook again. You will see a page called Name New Device. there Device name Enter a name in the box Save DeviceClick on

Diameter is done! From now on, every time you want to login to your Facebook account from someone else's computer other than yours, you will receive a code number on your mobile and enter that code number in the code box. Continue Click on to access your Facebook account. So even if everyone knows your Facebook password, no one can login to your Facebook.

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