The Dhaka Times
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Rescue operation begins: Screams of bereaved relatives at Padmapad: The launch has not yet been identified

The Dhaka Times Desk Rescue ship Rustam has started work to rescue the passenger launch named ML Pinak-6 which sank yesterday.

launch still missing

The sinking ML Pinak-6 launch could not be recovered till yesterday due to strong current and lack of necessary equipment. Necessary measures were taken to rescue the sunken launch at around 10 am on Tuesday. Rustom arrived at night.

Regarding today's rescue operation, the decision to start the rescue operation from this morning was taken in the coordination meeting of the local administration, fire service, RAB, coast guard and navy on Monday night.

Earlier in the evening, a navy team tried four times to launch a rescue operation but failed. Yesterday afternoon, two teams of fire service started rescue operations. But they fail due to lack of necessary equipment. Moreover, due to strong current in the river, intermittent rain, the rescue operation was hampered.

The rescue ship 'Agnisheshak' arrived at the scene on Monday afternoon after receiving the news of the sinking of the launch. The rescue ship 'Rustom' reached the spot at 10 pm. On the other hand, another rescue ship 'Hamza' has left to take part in the operation, according to BIWTC sources.

The identity of 5 dead people has been found. They are Abdul Aziz (45) of Bhangar Faridpur, Kamal Mandal (22) of the same area, Hira (20) of Shibchar of Madaripur, Baten Ali (44) of Madaripur and Anwar Hossain (25), a garment worker of Shibchar of Madaripur. An elderly woman aged approximately 65 years has not been identified.

Meanwhile, as the rescue operation did not start on time, the anxiety of the relatives increased. The air in the area is becoming heavy with the cries of the bereaved in Padmapar. Many complained about the failure of the rescuers.

It should be noted that the launch of ML Pinak-6 with more than 300 passengers took place at around 11 o'clock yesterday on Monday Padma sinks into the Lauhjong channel area. Half a hundred passengers survived with the help of other boats, but the fate of the remaining passengers is uncertain.

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