Categories: Special article

How to deal with the pain of breaking trust...

The Dhaka Times Desk Relationships between people are based on trust. It is an emphasis that increases sincerity, love, compassion. Faith brings two people together. Therefore, if the trust is broken for any reason, the strength of the mind is suddenly broken. Everything around then seems false. Anger, suffering, depression all together very bad condition prevails. But this condition will do you no good but harm. So it is very important to know the way out of this situation.

Think again:
Think it over. Find out if what appears to be true is true. Also check if you are at fault in the matter. It is best to discuss the matter with others beforehand. It may clear up many things including misunderstandings between the two.

Let's go ahead:
If indeed he cheated, broke your trust, remember, this is just a small incident in life. Life is bound in many relationships, responsibilities, duties. It cannot be stalled for an event. If trust is broken due to deception, many are completely broken. They think that life has ended here. Some people make mistakes like suicide. In this case, I am drawing attention, someone did a heinous act like cheating, and he punished himself, this is not a healthy mind at all. Try to forget about it and continue to live a normal life.

Stay busy:
When your mind is burning with the burning of trust, it is wise to keep yourself busy with other things. Engage yourself in more activities than usual. It can divert the mind. Definitely try to do something effective.

Have faith:
Don't lose faith in people because someone has broken your faith. Of course not all people are good, but not all are alike. But there is no doubt that people have to believe by thinking about education from the events that happened. There is much joy ahead. So forget everything and move on.

Forgive me
Forgive the person who betrayed you. It will make you grow as a person. Besides, the pain and anger in the mind will go away. You will get mental peace. But his bad side should be shown. Otherwise he can do the same with others.

Love yourself:
The most important thing is to love yourself. If you love yourself, you can love others. Besides betrayal, broken relationship nothing can affect your mind too much.

If you follow these things properly, your suffering will be reduced a lot. Accepting suffering as motivation can make life enjoyable.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৩০, ২০১৪ 5:41 pm

ABM Noorullah

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