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The number of hungry people in America is increasing!

The Dhaka Times Desk The number of hungry and homeless people is increasing dramatically in the United States! Due to extreme financial crisis across the country, poverty-stricken people are forced to spend their days in the state of homelessness.

Hungry People usa
The number of homeless people is up seven percent this year compared to last year. Due to lack of shelter, 17 percent of the people of the entire country are spending the night under the open sky.

Right now, 19 percent of the hungry people of the entire country are knocking on doors in the hope of a little bread. As they do not have the ability to satisfy their hunger, they wander around in vain hoping for help from others. Recently, a survey of 25 major cities in America revealed such information. It is the mayors of these cities who have reported the unbearable conditions of hungry, homeless people.

Philidelphia Mayor Michael Natta told the state of poverty-stricken people, saying that hungry people are seen on the streets. They need little shelter. Natter said they also need work to provide food to Bubuksu family members.

The mayor of Philadelphia demanded from the US Congress to stand by the poor and helpless people of the whole country. He said that through the balanced budget, the allocation of money for the construction of infrastructure and for the common people should be increased. It will increase more job opportunities. According to the survey, 30 percent of the homeless have mental disabilities and 18 percent have physical disabilities. 16 percent were homeless due to domestic violence.

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