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The death toll from the deadly Ebola virus is increasing!

The Dhaka Times Desk The death toll from deadly Ebola continues to rise worldwide. Despite the precautionary measures taken by the World Health Organization, the number of people infected with this virus and the number of deaths are increasing. So far 1 thousand 13 people have died.


Read more about what is Ebola virus, how it spreads: "Ebola Virus Outbreak: Everything You Need to Know"

The death toll from the deadly Ebola virus, which has spread like wildfire in West Africa, has reached 1,013. And the number of infected with this virus is 1 thousand 848 people. This information was given by the United Nations health organization World Health Organization WHO on Tuesday.

ibola virus & The death-2

At least 52 people have died from this virus between 7 and 9 August in West Africa's Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Lygeria. Among them, the number of dead in Sierra Leone is 17 and the number of infected is 13. Guinea has 6 dead and 11 infected, and Liberia has 29 dead and 45 infected.

Note that the first Ebola outbreak occurred in West Africa in 1976. Recently, the new Ebola virus was revealed in February this year.

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