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Ebola vaccine has been successfully used in humans

The Dhaka Times Desk This is the first successful use of an Ebola vaccine in humans since the discovery of the Ebola vaccine that spread in West Africa.

Ebola vaccine

After the discovery of a vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus, scientists have already succeeded in testing it in animals. This time, the researchers succeeded in using the vaccine against this virus for the first time in the human body.

After the successful trial, the researchers said, 'The vaccine against the Ebola virus in the human body may be safe and effective.'

Ebola vaccine-02

According to the media, the scientists of the National Institute of Health of the United States have succeeded in experimentally applying this vaccine to the body of 20 American volunteers. The researchers did not observe any other side effects of the vaccine.

NIH doctor Anthony Fauci told the BBC, 'The vaccine is capable of fighting the virus as well as boosting the immune system. It is also safe.' However, the researchers mentioned that this test is a very early stage issue. For this, more research is needed - this is what the researchers said.

A group of 20 people is divided into two groups, the researchers said. One side is given a low dose and the other a high dose. It then turned out that the immune system was more active in those given the higher dose.

It should be noted that after the outbreak of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, a large-scale initiative was taken to develop an Ebola vaccine. And the successful application of this vaccine is a part of that. Nearly 6,000 people have died of the deadly Ebola virus so far. Many more people have been affected.

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