The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi film will be seen by the viewers of the outside world as if it is unimaginable. Yes, that's right, after UK, USA, it is reported that 'Most Welcome 2' will be shown in Japan.
According to media sources, the most talked about movie 'Most Welcome-2' produced and directed by Anant Jalil is going to be screened in Tokyo, Japan. This film was released in UK, USA along with Bangladesh last Eid-ul-Fitr.
The film's story, international standard production style, use of modern technology, skilled acting, etc. have created a positive response among the audience of all classes. Following the success of this film, the production company of the film also took the initiative to show it outside the country. The production company said, this time the film 'Most Welcome 2' will be shown in Japan. And for this reason, it has been reported that Anant-Varsha, the main bride and groom of the film, will leave for Japan today.
Meanwhile, the culture lovers of the country are also happy with the success of 'Most Welcome 2'. Because they think that the image of the country will shine if 'Most Welcome 2' is shown in different countries across the country. Films made by Bengalis will be appreciated in the world court, it is a great merit for us.