The Dhaka Times
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EXCLUSIVE: Was Nancy's suicide attempt because of her husband?

The Dhaka Times Desk The day before yesterday, popular singer Nancy tried to commit suicide by taking sleeping tablets while she was in the corner of her eye. He was first admitted to Mymensingh and then Dhaka Medical and lastly Lab Aid. Why did he go to do this? But did Nancy try to commit suicide because of her husband? This exclusive report seeks to answer this question.

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For the last two days the whole media and Nancy fans have been talking about 'Why did Nancy attempt suicide?'

An attempt has been made to find an answer to this question by talking to a number of Nancy's close friends, neighbors in Nancy's eye and other people. Everyone said almost the same thing. Everyone thinks, 'She tried to commit suicide because of her husband Nazimuzzaman Zaid.' Neighbors said when Nancy was being taken from home to Netrakona Sadar Hospital, Nancy was 'abusing' her husband. However, her husband was not present there.

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A person present at the scene told the media that Nancy was repeatedly saying, 'Zayed has ruined my life.'

Quoting various sources, the media said that Nancy's mobile phone had been switched off for the past week. He suddenly stopped communicating with everyone. Analyzing these factors, it is assumed that Nancy took such a difficult decision to commit suicide because of her husband's skepticism and turmoil in the family.

It is known that Nancy was living in Dhaka for singing for several months. Nancy lived with her two daughters Rodela and Naila in Dhaka. Nancy sometimes visited her husband with her two daughters. But husband Zayed could not accept it. On the other hand, Nancy is also reluctant to make any concessions from the world of music. There was a long-term mental conflict and conflict between the two mainly about these issues. Besides, Zayed's suspicion towards Nancy was increasing. And because of these reasons the unrest started.

This singer married Zayed for the second time after leaving her first husband Sourav to stay away from the chaos of the world. But Nancy was not happy. And from those thoughts, Nancy chose to commit suicide.

It is to be noted that on August 16 at noon, Nancy, a popular singer of the new generation, tried to commit suicide by consuming 40 Zeonil tablets of Bromazepam group and another 20 Laxil tablets an hour later. He is currently undergoing treatment at LabAid Hospital in Dhaka and his condition is out of danger.

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