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Check out some live fish that will blow your mind

The Dhaka Times Desk Check out some live fish photos. It may seem like a mystery to you that fish can be alive. What's all the fuss about it? In truth these live fish are illusions created by a painter.


Singaporean artist Keng Lai Kee created these paintings using resin and acrylic paint. Look at the picture below. In this picture you can see some white colored fish and some diving. But the interesting thing is that they are not actually fishes and they are not divers either.


This illusion is created by mixing acrylic paint and resin together. One after another layer of resin has brought variety of water in the bowl. Which will make you think of real water. Then acrylic paint is given in between.


Very slowly and carefully this acrylic color is given to give the shape of a fish. Again, it's not just any fish, it's a real aquarium fish.


These fish are designed in such a way that no matter where you look at them, they look like real fish. Unless you touch them. Currently, an exhibition of his extraordinary paintings is going on in a gallery in Singapore.

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