The Dhaka Times
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Fish that live 5 years without food and drink!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now a surprising information has come out about the fish. There is a type of fish in Africa that can survive for three to five years without food or water!

Fish that have survived 5 years without food and drink

The name of this fish species is African lungfish. They spend a lot of time in one sleep. These fish wake up again when they touch the water. According to biodiversity, animals can generally survive without food or drink for an extended period of time. And until this time of sleeping, they abstain from natural activities. Again, they stop the reproductive process.

Experts say that if this process could be implemented in humans, surgeons would be able to cut off blood circulation for longer periods of time during critical operations. Also it would have been easier to travel longer distances in space.

Professor IP Yuen Ong, a researcher at the Department of Biological Sciences at the National University of Singapore, conducted various genetic experiments on this species of fish in freshwater for 6 months. The behavior of this species of fish at other times of the year was also included in this study.

The researchers found in their study that these African lungfish can continue all their normal activities even at high temperatures. Scientists are researching how this research can be used in medicine and space science.

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