The Dhaka Times
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A teacher's case: 19 female students in the hospital!

The Dhaka Times Desk A teacher has also defeated the medieval brutality. He sent 19 girls to the hospital for flogging. The incident happened in a government primary school in Baliakandi upazila of Rajbari.

19 students to the hospital

Again, not for reading and writing, the teacher beat the students for the 'crime' of not cleaning the school toilets. The female students fell ill due to the whipping of the teacher. 19 of them have been admitted to Upazila Health Complex after seeing the condition.

At least 32 students of the 5th class of a government primary school in Baliakandi upazila of Rajbari district were severely beaten by the head teacher of that school for ignoring the basic education policy. This most brutal incident took place at No. 24 New Char Government Primary School of Baharpur Union of Upazila yesterday around noon. After this incident, the angry parents blocked the head teacher for 2 hours. In the afternoon, the head teacher Akhter Jahan Rina was temporarily suspended from the education office.

According to the Baliakandi Upazila Health and Family Planning Office, out of the 19 female students admitted, 5 have been treated and released, while others are undergoing treatment. The body of these students has multiple injury marks of the cane.

In this regard, District Primary Education Officer Fazlul Haque told the media that there is no provision for killing any student in the primary education policy. If the students are inattentive in their studies, there is an instruction to explain the students and return their attention. He termed this incident as sad and said, 'The headmaster of that school was temporarily suspended in the afternoon. He may also lose his job if the investigation and the doctor's report reveal the truth of the incident.'

Image and information: Courtesy of Voice of Time.

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